Listening to: keyboards in the library..
Feeling: hungry
heylo everyone this l key on the keyboard is retarted...and keeps sticking. what luck that i should pick this keyboard of all the ones in the library....grr...
well since no one wanted to leave me a comment on my last entry...i decided to make a new one and see if this one would work.
today was very boring...and last night was no fun at all for me. ...yeah...i dont really wanna talk about it. for one, i dont really know how to explain it.
anywho, i want nachos...i will go home and eat the rest of my nacho know it really sucks when you buy come cheese and nachos and you run out of cheese and you still have like a quarter of the bag left...yes....does anyone else have that problem..tis a reoccuring one with me.
it's sixth period and i'm in the library with rachael...because our class is boring. and we still have like..25 minutes...and i'm a bit bored.
some wierd...stupid..kid...*coughjohnathan fogglemancough* is looking at anime porn...isnt that just fascinating.
i've been in writer's block for god knows how long. i want some cookies...and i want to write something really bad but nothing comes..nothing good anyways...just pointless sentences that wont make any sense together.
i tried to write last night but all i got was a bunch of angry words and lines against myself that was about two pages long. i guess that's what was wrong with me today. and mike is having problems with everyone else...he has the same issue i have...people come to him all the time for help and they wont listen to what he says so they go fuck everything up and then come back again crying that it didnt work out. well...that's your fault. i like it when people come to me with their problems...and advice..but if you dont take it then i cant really help you now can does get a bit tiring after a while. obviously becuase he was upset about it today in lunch.
anyways, i think this entry is long enough. cheers.
P.S. I love you.