i had a strange dream last night. it kept jumping to different stuff..but what i do remember is that i was walking on a road or something and there was this rv thing kept swirving near me and then i look and this big truck was coming in the other direction and i had no where to run so they both started swirving and crashed together and i was trapped in the middle of them and i was fine. and then it was like the cops came and stuff and were asking if i was alright but i kept trying to leave bc i was in a hurry, i was trying to find daryl for some reason and he was supposed to be there but he was late or something and people kept saying that he'd be there later but i didnt want to wait. so i tried to leave but they wouldnt let me and said get in line and there were lots of people...my age...standing in line for something...and then something else happened and um..i woke up.
i had a dream a few nights ago about being in some store and josh was there but he was acting weird like he was sorry for something and then went outside with me to meet my mom...or someone...
nothing happened today. but i did go to the movies with melissa. we saw stealth..it was pretty good. now i'm watching hitch..and it really sucks. it wasnt my idea to get it. yeah well...that's it i guess. yeah life is boring right now. oh but i did see a shirt today that said
'i put the fun in funeral'
i thought it was funny. it is..stop looking at me like i'm pathetic...ah shit, you suck anyways. but i say that with love.
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