yesterday was just like any other day, except half the people i know skipped school. it was quite boring...
i didnt get anything except a valentine thingy from liz....of course she gave everyone she knows one....and then my grandmother sent me something i just got today, a card, and my aunt sent me something i just got today, a valentine thingy....nice.
i havent seen jesse since friday, i dont think i saw amanda today which, makes my imagination ,uh, imagine things that dont make me happy.....i had a cigarette this morning, and one when i got home. i think i like menthols more. wierd. we have no school this friday or monday, friday i have to work with my mom, saturday i have to babysit, sunday, well sunday i dont know, and monday i have a dentist app. which will not be fun because its for my braces....(which i will cry about when i get...) and then they will say well this tooth here needs to be pulled because lucky me i was one of the only people i know to have teeth that take their dear sweet time. yes i am still losing teeth and i am 16. and it takes forever for teeth to come out or come back in. and, well enough about my dental problems....
i feel wierd. its like i dont even have any feelings. im not sad anymore about jesse, but im not happy about it either, im not depressed, but im not glad to be alive, i dont even know what im feeling. for the past two days everytime someone has asked me how i am i have to think about it for a minute and i dont even know what to say. i think its too late this year for me to have a boyfriend, my chances are long gone. maybe next year....(wishful thinking)....
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