Listening to: nbc
Feeling: fat
well let's see...thursday i went to Georgia, it was all good. Friday it was ok, my aunt and little cousin came in, and so did my dad. (ate donuts, and cookies) saturday we had this cookout easter eating frinzy thing at my grandmother's...(ate cake, cookies, fudge...blah) sunday went to church at my grandpa's (i dont like his church...the message was good and all but fancy baptists churches are wierd to me...i guess it's just that they seem sort of fake, probably because im just used to my old fashioned church) monday was ok...said goodbye to everyone, drove three hours to get to my here and my grandmother didn't get my clothes out of her trunk when she went to rent a car for the she had to bring them to me today...i think i could have lived without my clothes, makeup, hairspray, and all that....but all my cds, and my cd player were in there...and that's real important to me.
today was ok. woke up late...thought i'd turn off the alarm and get a few more minutes of sleep...apparently i drifted off again because my mom came in and woke me up and it had been 20 minutes since the alarm went off. my hair looked like crap today because all i had was least i always have extra makeup...and um let's see no cd player for the bus to save me from country (morning or afternoon) saw jesse in the morning at breakfast instead of having to wait until third period which was nice. then on the way to hem...i saw him and said hi and everything and then we went to kiss and dean burnett with his creepy self comes strolling up to us during this event, i open my eyes and he is standing right there...first thing he said was, "wow"...then he said "sylvia and what's your name?" then he said go to TA and come to the dean's office when your we did...and the freak gave us lunch detention....blah. it could have been worse...he tried to say he had told us about that before but i know he hasnt so he believed us and we got off easy. so he siad no kissing in the said nothing about if he catches us again, outside, we can't get in trouble becuase he said specificly in the hallways.
other than all that drama...things are pretty darn good. i got my stuff back today and i have some school work to do this week, but it's all good. i've decided not to do any more summaries for mrs mills. i have an a in her class and the last two shouldnt count off that much. i just need to make good test grades. anyways, like i said to mi mom, i know when i can slack off a wee bit. well i guess that's it. seemed like there was more ...but i guess if there is i'll just have to talk about it tomorrow....i have to go wash my dog. joys..
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