Listening to: the damned lawnmower that kept me up this morning
Feeling: blah
its morning again. and im not in bed. its 9 20
my dad woke me up to tell me that they were taking my gma' i mean to get the brakes fixed, and then he was taking her to work. i guess he'll come back here before going to work himself. but he doesnt actually have to work....well he does, but not his job, he has to clean out trucks. so he might come back here, and ask me if i want to go or something, and i'll say no, i'll just stay here, by myself. which is what i intend to do until 4 30.
i think those roaming nome commerials are very funny. i like them, ha that one makes me laugh everytime. yes, well, and ....what was the other one,! right. yeah some people i know think those are stupid but i like them, i think they're funny. i also like those quizno's commercials with that baby talking like a some middle aged guy. it was kind of weird at first, but after a while i started to see the humor. oh but the other quiznos sub commercials with those hamster, puppet, type things, i love those. now that's effin hallarious. i went to bed at about 3 30 last night. i probably would have stayed on this computer until the sun came up, but i figured i'd better go to bed, since i wasnt sure what i was going to be doing today. of which i am still unsure.
hmmp, isnt that interesting. oh yes, my life is based on the funniness of commercials. good times, huh. i hope daryl gets on today. and well, that i'm on at the same time, so we can talk. because he doesnt have internet at his house, and he is going back home today. hmmp. no fair. i guess i'll stop now. maybe i'll i dont wanna take a shower yet, hmm, well i dont know what to do. this guy is out side mowing the grandmother hires people to do her lawn, and its a bit stalkerish feeling to have him outside, and im sitting inside with my boxers on, i feel like he's going to go by a windwo and see me in here. its a bit creepy. hehe, cheers.