you're really wierd

Listening to: seether-diseased
Feeling: freaky
i had the most insanely wierd dreams last night. first it was this willy wonka type thing except instead of johnny depp, it was marylin they wanted in the first place, and it was all evil and stuff and he was turning people into kids and then making them get in this big pot of some gooey stuff to make them stay kids forever. and went to this big mall place...i was there with daryl and his mom i think. we saw jesse and some other people were there and i kept going off with the other people i kept seeing that i knew. daryl kept having to come and find me. then i was going to daryl in this huge crowd of people and then out of no where comes mike (miguel) and he runs and jumps on me and i fall over backwards but jesse caught me. and then i turned around and it was's you...and then we sat down on this couch thing and talked until the mall thing closed. just sitting there talking and close to each other. then we were all going to stay at daryl's house that night because his mom wasnt there....(although i came with his mom...wierd i know) and then i went with jesse first because he siad that he wanted to go ask his mom about if first. but then we got to his house and his mom wasnt even there, he just wanted me to come to his house or something like that. and then i'm not sure what happened...i dont really remember...but i do remember going back to daryl's house..and jesse and i were all wet. hmm...makes your imagination soar doesnt it...and then it went to this chick's room. i have no idea whose it was..and i didnt know whose it was in my dream either. but i was there with matt and we were looking through all her stuff, kind of like looking at someone else's diary on here...but it was her actual room. then we went through stuff and laughed at stuff...then we left and it was like this big building full of rooms...then i woke up and it was 11:00. in the morning that is. so today melissa and i are going to the movies...and some other places...i'm putting in some applications...(how many times have i said this) and then she is coming to spend the night. so i probably wont be on again until sunday night. that is if it doesnt storm. which i hope it wont get too bad. and i really hope we dont have alot of hurricanes like last year. that really really sucked. of course this year...if we do...and i am out of power...i'm taking my car, and going to a friend's house. i will not be alone and bored. i refuse. anyways, i guess that's it. it seems like there was something else i wanted to put here...but i dont remember what it was. oh well. i guess it wasnt important. cheers.
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There's an 11:00 in the morning? *smirk* Oh yeah! That's what time I set my alarm clock for sometimes, then it magically ends up across the room and I don't wake up 'til four...Good luck with the applications. Weird... How our dreams have a tendency to be weird-ish... We should write a book... Of all our freaky dreams... I wonder if it'd sell... *ponders this*
you are welcome here if your power goes out, everyone else already said they are bunking down here for the duration of the season.