Listening to: tv
Feeling: uneasy
yesterday was horrible. first i had to clean the house and then i picked up miriah who was talking to rick...and then i took rick to his gma's house..then we went to walmart and to visit my gma...then my mom got there and we gave her the groceries..and went to kyle's house.
rick was supposed to come with us..but he was still doing stuff. so we just went. and oh...look..mike's heh...but actually it was ok. or at least it was for me..idk if it was akward for anyone else..but i was fine.
miriah broke up with rick...and well i think it's a good thing she did, because if she hadnt' of done it...she might want to do it later. because now she knows that she wont ever want to break up with him..and she only knows that bc it's happened already. so see...there was reason in the madness.
some things pissed me off...actually.. alot of things. it's kind of hard. usually when i break up with someone and get out of a relationship, i'm ok to be single for a while. but now i want to be with someone...but not mike. and it's hard to be by yourself with so many people around.
daryl broke his finger playing guitar...somehow...and rick called my cell phone about 20 times...and people called him on my cell phone about 20 times...and he kept calling kyle's house to see if he could come over but he couldnt becuase enough people were already there. i took miriah to see rick after we left and things are ok between them now.
i dont want to be at home.
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