
we had a big fight because he doesn't take me seriously. He tells me I blow everything out of proportion.. blah blah. he told me not to come back to his house.. I had to get my bag.. I told him that. He told me he was going to call me later... when he got up today. he said, "it's by the door." he put what wasn't in my bag in it, oh AND he put things that I keep at his house in there like lotion and facewash... hmm if that's not a statement then I don't know what is. I called and left a nasty message. oops. I don't know if that is way of saying we're done, I dont know. it was pretty childish. and what is weird is I'm not upset. I haven't cried. not at all. I don't know if is because deep down I think we will be ok and get through this... when we have big fights we will spend a night apart and things are ok.. but that was when I was with him everyday, sleeping with him everyday. now I don't see him ever so is it different? I'm not scared of breaking up.. I think ultimately, if he acts this way when I talk to him about things then it's for the better, but I'm not just going to give up. I love him. but if this is him giving up then fine, it's done. I'll be ok. it will be hard being at school.. I'll be ok. maybe I am not upset because I think we are done and that's what I wanted..I dont know. all I know is I'm not crying, i'm mad at the situation and how he acted and how he doesn't deal with things but I'm not sad or upset in any way. I don't want to not be with him but why would I want to doeal with this crap. He's choosing this bullshit over me, I told him I'm not going to deal with it... apparently he would rather smoke and be an idiot then be with me and that's fine. it's his life. I asked him if I did shit like this if he would be upset, he said it is my life. WELL GUESS WHAT you're a huge part of my life and I wouldn't knowingly do something that upset you like that. I don't know what to think.. or how to feel. I just have no idea. I want him to call me. I thought I'd give him until 12, but I don't know if I will actually call him. I think he needs to step it up.. and if we dont talk today, then clearly he's not mature enough to be in a relationship.
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