
Friday... I worked a 12 hours day. it was wonderful.

money is wonderful.

I saw him, when he came in he said hi... but there is a break between 8 and the 915 at night so he was hanging around for a while... he came in and talked for a bit.. he helped me put my snow flakes up on the windows. ugh. He got on his boat.. I went to peaks.. I texted him and said, it was freezing and for him to get warm for me when he goes to texas. he said something like of course.. that was it.. I said nothing.

but he texted me later, and said he hated packing. I was drinking.. I don't think he was though... we talked for a bit and he asked what the chances were of seeing me .. I said no.. hmm. why did I say no? ugh.

and he texted me saturday and told me how horrible his flight was... we talked a little.

Why can't I stop thinking about him? why why whyyy. who the hell am I, since when do I friggan act like this and think like this? He's gone for a week.. I am just going to wait for him to text me.. whenever that will be.

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