
i am so unbelieveably frustrated right now. i think all this staying home is getting to me. my mom is on vacation, and my brother moved out a few months ago. i'm stuck at home with my dad and have been for days now. something's wrong with my car so i can't even go for a drive to get out of the house. the one person i want to talk to isn't online right now and hasn't called me in a few days. just when i finally feel like giving him a chance he seems to have fallen off of the face of the earth. my best friend doesn't know how to have a boyfriend and friends at the same time. my other best friend doesn't drive for some reason or another. i am so stuck here right now and it's starting to get at me. i hate being in a shitty mood like this. this sucks.
Read 6 comments
You're a dinobot?!?!!? That's effing hot! Haha, anyway, thanks for the comment. The villiage is a good movie; a bit strange but mega good. I hope you enjoy it. I like your journal!-Cera
thanks for the comment. i don't like using the word "gay" cause, i'm stupid. but yeah. hope you get outa that shitty mood. i'm always depresssed, so i can relate.. well somewhat at least. nighttt
Thanks! I hate when friends don't balance friends and a boyfriend! I think it's pathetic, highschool's the best time of your life, you should enjoy it. You need friends a hell of lot more than boys! But hey, that's just my opinion. Sorry about your friend situation.
xoxo Steph
www that sucks!!! NONE OF MY FRIENDS know how to have friends and a boyfriend at the same time. so lame. they'll never learn btw. you will have to learn to deal. suckkks. i really hope you feel better

haha yeah that movies awesome
I died in the theater haha good times.

hope you feel better!

I'm sure they do change. The thought of college kinda freaks me out,but hey, i have 2 years after this