
i applied at a book store and was interviewed last week. went well. lady called me tonight to tell me that i'm awesome and i got the job. she also said i have nice hair. lie? maybe. i don't start til next month though because the store hasn't even opened yet. i hope i like it. i tend to quit things when they start to annoy me. i really wanted to work at a sex shop, but i guess i'll just take the book store. i get a 33% discount so yay! i like to read so i guess that's cool. although a discount at a sex shop would have come in handy as well. meh. oh well. earlier today i retardedly opened the back of my camera and exposed my film to light...oops. i was so pissed. i then took 2 rolls of film and took more pics, then went to the photo lab at school. yay. i luv enlarging prints and all that jazz. yay photography! i'm in a good mood for once. so that's good. yay? it won't last. i want to get drunk tonight. no one to get drunk with though so oh well. off i go! good day sir
Read 8 comments

I can't get a job myself. Maybe I would have a chance if I wouldn't pick my nose during interviews. Just kidding.

Good times... Very interesting diary. the name drew me to it.
And what great poems, I might add...

You should write a Dr.Suess book. But I guess you would have to be Dr.Suess to do that, so just kidding.
Photography is your thing, huh? Yeah, those homeless people are pretty wild. You never know with them...

My History teacher told our class that one time, he bought this homeless person a Happy Meal, but the guy was like "I only want Big Macs! Go buy me a Big Mac!" Yikes. Talk about picky homeless people...

congrats on the job!!! i applied at the bookstore but they only hired 18 year olds. dfohjsdfgdf

thanks so much for the sweet comment. i'm ok. he'll be ok, i know it.


Lets friend eachother like one big happy family!

... Whoa... I don't think I put that right.
lcuky. i wanted to work at a bookstore for the longest time :/

having good hair is awesomeee
Mmmm shopings great ae! Lol so whats ya name?


Ohh p.s well done on the job thing!
AWESOME congrats!! I am going to be a caterer..who knows if I will like it! Sex shop job=AWESOME
