i applied at a book store and was interviewed last week. went well. lady called me tonight to tell me that i'm awesome and i got the job. she also said i have nice hair. lie? maybe. i don't start til next month though because the store hasn't even opened yet. i hope i like it. i tend to quit things when they start to annoy me. i really wanted to work at a sex shop, but i guess i'll just take the book store. i get a 33% discount so yay! i like to read so i guess that's cool. although a discount at a sex shop would have come in handy as well. meh. oh well. earlier today i retardedly opened the back of my camera and exposed my film to light...oops. i was so pissed. i then took 2 rolls of film and took more pics, then went to the photo lab at school. yay. i luv enlarging prints and all that jazz. yay photography! i'm in a good mood for once. so that's good. yay? it won't last. i want to get drunk tonight. no one to get drunk with though so oh well. off i go! good day sir
I can't get a job myself. Maybe I would have a chance if I wouldn't pick my nose during interviews. Just kidding.
Good times... Very interesting diary. the name drew me to it.
You should write a Dr.Suess book. But I guess you would have to be Dr.Suess to do that, so just kidding.
My History teacher told our class that one time, he bought this homeless person a Happy Meal, but the guy was like "I only want Big Macs! Go buy me a Big Mac!" Yikes. Talk about picky homeless people...
thanks so much for the sweet comment. i'm ok. he'll be ok, i know it.
Lets friend eachother like one big happy family!
... Whoa... I don't think I put that right.
having good hair is awesomeee
Ohh p.s well done on the job thing!