too much time has passed with him not calling or texting or imming me at all. he didn't even call on my birthday. nothing. i can take a hint. i just hate that guys do this shit, then when they're ready for something come back into your life and say they fucked up expecting another chance. and i'm totally giving G another chance right now, but suddenly feel like i shouldn't be. i want to go out on a date with D(i forget his number, but we hooked up once like a year ago, he's a total sweetheart). he asked me out to dinner once but i was on my way to venice to see douche bag NG. i thought NG was the perfect guy, but they don't exist. i can't lay full blame on him though, i think i did come on too strong too fast. with other guys its like dang he hasn't called me time to move on...but with NG i thought i was in love with him so it drove me so incredibly crazy when he wouldn't call all of the sudden. and i liked him so much that i was so shy around him for fear of doing or saying something stupid. i was so close to telling G last night that we need to stop talking to eachother. he's a good guy and doesn't deserve my craziness. plus i don't want him to hurt me. i don't know what to do to make myself happy. grrr. done.
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