
UPDATE: ok how incredibly fat do i feel right now...throughout the course of the day i almost single handedly devoured that entire chocolate cake. my dad had a big slice of it...but i honestly consumed atleast 3/4 of that thing. it was only a single layer but still! you can bet your ass that as soon as i wake up this morning i'm going to the gym. my wekenesses include boys, chocolate, and alcohol. and only one of those things burns calories. gee i wonder which one, lol. cheers to 6 hour sexathons. i am currently scanning through all of my old cosmos that i have for new sex tips. me and K7 are strictly casual and what we have revolves around sex so i might as well see to it that i do the best i can...if only he had that same thought *sigh* oh well. i can honestly say that he's the best i've ever had though. but then again a lot of what i have had was while under the influence. but i'm quite comfortable with him. and he's HOT! so yay me. wait no, he's not mine so its not all that great. although (not sure if i've mentioned this before or not) i set a goal to hook up with him. i wanted him bad for his personality and looks...and i got him! so maybe in time he'll really be mine. gee i do enjoy getting what i want. i think i'm rambling again. pretty much all of my entries revolve around guys. what can i say i'm obsessed. ok its hot in here! i hate being sick. i want a boy to look after me *sigh* this "update" has gotten rather long, maybe i should copy it into its own entry. yes, that sounds grand. have a great week everybody!
Read 6 comments
i dout ur fat..u shold b happy who u r!
how do u make an entry list on the side leave a comment on nascarchick!thx
xoox taylor
oh i know i'm not fat. i said that i felt fat. it happens after u eat as much cake as i did today, lol. but that's what the gym is for so it's all good. and believe me i'm happy with who i am...if u have read some of my entries u would know how much self confidence i have...must be the sexy hair! lol.
thanks i need it last time i lucked out at the 4th store i went to they had 1 pair of shoes in size 15 and they were black workboots like i was looking for.
my weekends have been reallllly sucky latetly