i'm drunk again. my brother flipped out on this guy he knows that i was hanging out with. he must know i've gotten with him before. i feel so bad. i made him stay, then my bro was like "wtf are u still doing here? go home!" i felt SO bad. me and my best friend drove down the street and picked him up and gave him a ride home. he's supposed to call me tonight...we'll see if he actually does. my brother is so intimidating. he scares the shit out of people for no reason. he was pissed off because he got into an argument with his fiance. which reminds me, baby showers are a bore. i hate them. when and if i ever get pregnant i'm having people drop off their gifts then leave. i'm in a bad mood right now so i'm done. fuck this shit.
Tell everyone to fuck off ^-^ if that helps...?