so for the past few days my boobs have been sore, and for the past couple of days my lower back has been hurting too. i've also been way super exhausted. these could be signs that i'm going to get my period since i am supposed to get it in about a week...but i never have these symptoms. i have an appointment for my yearly pap smear on friday so i should probably get a pregnancy test done too. i hate how pregnancy and period symptoms are pretty much the same. how frustrating. i guess it could go either way. i'm not nervous just anxious to know. this has been on my mind for a few days so i had to write about it. go ahead and call me a slut or whatever, just had to get it out and tell someone what i'm going through even if i don't actually know any of u. and before any of u tell me i'm dumb and should have used protection, i did but it broke. the end.
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