i really don't care if me and G22 don't talk anymore. i'm fine with just being friends because i've gotten something out of all this. he made me want to not drink, or use drinking as a crutch for my shyness. instead of going out drinking on nights when i don't have to work the next day i've just been staying in and going to bed early. i got a ton of sleep last night and woke up at 5am this morning, same time i usually get up for work. i sat online for awhile, ate some cereal, then packed up some books and a notebook and drove to this park that i like at about 8:30am. i sat at a bench for a good 2 hours going back and forth between reading and writing. i eventually left after this creepy older man in a jogging suit stopped to talk to me. he kept asking me questions and i kept lying. it was weird. i figured he'd stop each time he made a round and didn't want to have to talk to him anymore so i left. but those 2 hours were really good for me. i enjoy alone time that isn't spent in my apartment. i've never been one to have goals that i actually thought were abtainable, but recently i have developed some. i don't feel like saying what those goals are or explaining why they are important to me, i'm just happy to have realized what i'm passionate about. and oh yeah! K7 sent me a myspace message and friend request. he was like "hey have u called me lately? my phone is broken. give me your number if you want to hang out tonight." i, of course, didn't respond or accept the friend request. i'm in a good place right now and don't need any negative influences in my life. K7 always made me feel bad about myself, and i'm done with that. me=happy. that's all that matters.
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