
new entry new entry weihrlkejh. so that last entry was a piece of shit. fuck K7 i'm so hot and deserve so much better. it's my brothers 23rd birthday tomorrow and we're having a bar b que today. and my bro decided to buy as much beer as he could fit in his car and fill up our bathtub. duh. its what i did for my 19th birthday except there were way more drinks and way more people. anyways i luv beer and i'm on beer # 2...mmm, st pauli girl. i'll update every couple beers or so. that way i can look back and see how my thoughts on K7 and other such issues changes as i get drunker and drunker. fuck yeah great idea. yay me. UPDATE: well my great idea wasn't so great. i just woke up at 3:14am in my room thinking wtf happened tonight? i hope i didn't act a fool in front of my dad. that fuckin bathtub owned my ass! UPDATE #2: apparently K7 wasn't at that kickback saturday night so who knows where he's been. i know where he hasn't been though...my pants! fuckin sucks to be him (and me *sigh*).
Read 6 comments
thank you! :) i loved it when i visited the campus so i hope i get in!
beauty doesn't have an "i" in it. your icon spells it "beauity"... which is wrong.
no shit
omg tomorrow is my best friends 18th birthday!!!!! yayyyy birthdays.
fuck k7 you deserve better...
yeah, & that feeling sucks!!
i luv beer t0o!!!!