guess who called at like 4:20am! yeah, k7...who else. i once again said i don't want to be casual with him...i don't think he realizes that means its a relationship or nothing. dumb ass. he was like its not casual i like you. he's all what do i need to say it to your face or something. i was like yeah that would help. he said that people have been calling him and asking him if we're together and that i've been telling people that we're seeing eachother and together and shit like that. that's complete bullshit. i think his friend is lying to him. his friend used to try and get with me all the time. he's probably just jealous and is lying to k7 to ruin shit for us. but if he actually likes me like he says he does why would people thinking we're together bother him? he also said that one of my friends keeps telling him to call me. i'm like that's bullshit i only have 3 good friends that i talk to about him or anything in general. he wont tell me who is telling him shit because he doesn't want to start drama. i'm like actually whoever is lying to u is the one starting drama. he wanted me to come over so we could talk. at that point it was 5am. i said no...i had to wake up at 6 for work...then he tried to convince me to call in to work! yeah ok no. call in sick on christmas eve and miss out on my holiday pay for tomorrow, i don't think so. i told him if he wants to meet up and talk it has to be on a monday or wednesday night since i don't work tuesdays and thursdays...he said he works those days. looks like he's shit out of luck. he also suddenly knew why my friend got kicked out of her house and is now living with me...she only told 2 people (me and her friend at work). she was kicked out for something personal that her mom found in her room and she didn't want anyone to know about it. k7 said "i know everything." i feel like i'm in highschool again. he still parties with the same people and the same drama follows him. i'm rethinking telling him he has to commit to me. do i really want the drama of being with someone like him? i have a feeling he'll call sometime this week...hopefully tonight since i'll be drinking later and will hopefully have the balls to finally give him the ultamatum in terms his dumb ass will understand. in other news, my hair looks hot today. merry christmas to all and to all a good night.
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