
my horoscope for tomorrow: "Love is never as easy as you prefer, but this won't stop you from moving toward the heat of passion now. Unfortunately, sweet romance may be elusive as intense verbal interplay distracts from the fun. Intimacy will not come without a struggle. If, however, you are willing to communicate, relationships can be transformed." i want to be in a relationship with someone. i want to invest time and emotions into someone. i'm going to be 20 soon and i've never had a real serious relationship. the only 2 guys i seem to have any sort of feelings for are K7 and K10. not to be confused with K6 whom i now can't stand for being so forceful and disrespectful to me. K7 calls me from time to time, but that (i believe) is just for sex. and K10 never calls...yet i keep the picture of the two of us in my purse. i can't bring myself to take it out...i stare at it from time to time when i have nothing else to do. i'm lonely! not sad though which is weird. i just think i need to be in a healthy relationship for once. but until then i will continue to be me and hook up with boys when i feel i need to. i'm only human. have a swell day everyone.
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Its been a while since I have seen ya on girl. I need a healthy relationship too. I feel great again, but I wanna fight. Talk at me babe.
yweah i sdoubt im going to. sdont havwe any monwey itsd only 6 kweysd that sdont weork
can i pack you up and take you with me all over the place? lol..you're the best critic a guy can ask for:P
awe that's sad..see I was crying..and they couldn't leave me cuz I went with them..my mom didn't let me drive there..so yeah..if that happened to me I would have definitely cried..just cuz my family is so important to me..how did you feel? brush it off? or got sentimental?
