
i'm insane. my moods change sooo quickly and for no evident reason. i seriously think there's something wrong with me. and no it isn't pms. i fail at everything. after this semester is over i think i'm done. my buddylist wouldn't show up and i almost started crying. the littlest things get to me lately. fine one second, insane the next. and i'm not delusional, i know that what i have with K7 will never amount to anything. what we have is not healthy. i think i like him and i know that casual hookups will only leave me feeling empty. yay me. it's not healthy. i'm not healthy. i'm not going to go out anymore. i'm going to stay home and be lonely and insane. and i know that next time K7 calls me i'll most likely go over there. i have no self control and no desire to change that. i like him and i'm going to get hurt. i'll deal with that when it gets here. i have nothing left to lose. UPDATE: i'm feeling less insane right now. i ran and exercised then took a shower. i really do think that my mood is refelective of how i look (most of the time). i've been sick and my hair was greasy and i wasn't wearing any makeup. can you say BEAT. and i do have plenty to lose so i'll have to try and remember that.
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You have everything left to lose. It seems like you have a good life, even though things go wrong. Dont give up. And make yoruself have control over the situations you're in. You can do it. Maybe you are just a little stressed and irritated. It's okay. Everything will be alright. You are hecka cool and I hear you have pretty hair, so put a smile on! :)

Cheer up and don't give up hope.

Life is too short to waste even one moment.
I totally understand what you mean by not feeling good when you look bad..
You should still go out though.. or atleast hang out..being depressed and lonely isn't healthy either..I know trust me!
Sorry I'm not reading your mind I promise! I just think we are going through the same type of thing, lol.
Exactly, and I would DEFINITELY cry if my aim list didn't show up. So don't worry about that
I am a tard and hit anon. lol
Hey my myspace sn is †Justin† what's yours?
K i'll look you up and add ya
Good. I'm glad I could help, even if it is just a little. Don't worry, things will work out!

♥ Sarah

it's sounding completly normal to me since that usually happens to me also