i'm anxious to start work. 21 days til i start. my best friend comes back from college (for a week) tomorrow. i'm sooo glad she's going to be here right now. i need a friend now more than ever. tomorrow i'm going to call my school and set up an appointment with my counselor so that i can find out which classes i'll need to accomplish what i want. i'm even considering going to school over the summers and winters from now on. after highschool i was working and didn't decide to go to college until after i had already missed one semester. and since then i've averaged 2 classes a semester. i've been kind of a bum lately. but once again i'm trying to change that. i have a job, and i'm going to start taking more than 2 classes a semester...yay me.
on another subject...i'm over it. i'm over being all emotional over guys. i'm over caring what people think. i'm just over it. all of it. i am who i am. someone will come along and want me for me, and that someone won't play games like the guys i know now do. i hate when people play games. mess with your head, etc. i always tell it like it is. let people know what my intentions are. like how i told K6 that i won't sleep with him and that what we have is just casual, or how i recently told K10 that i like him and want him to be mine, etc. it's a lot less stressful knowing that people know how u feel. what they do with that knowledge is up to them. i can't do anything about how other people feel. the ball's in his court so to speak. it's his move. i'm almost certain that whenever i see him next he'll be all over me again. but i'm going to stop him. he needs to know that i want to be his girlfriend and not just the girl he hooks up with when she's around. yes it's fun while it lasts, but it always leaves me feeling so empty. lame. i'm rambling now.
i just think i've had my fix of casual hookups for awhile. if not forever. it was fun while it lasted, but now i want someone to want to be with me in a relationship. not just anyone though. k10? blah. well atleast i'm not all emotional right now. lets hope this lasts!