ok so if i was indecisive about stopping the K7 thing i'm NOT anymore. apparently this weekend this fat old 35 year old woman (with a kid) wanted to get with him and he was getting trashed and decided why not. uh cuz she's fat and old? duh wtf is wrong with him. my friend told me that she heard that bitch makes me look like a fuckin super model. i guess at one point she went down on him and afterwards he was going to leave but she was like "nuh uh tit for tat" as if to say hey now its ur turn go down on me. so i guess he was like ugh but did it anyways. like are u kidding me? he could have beautiful me (and no i'm not conceited just realistic) but gets with a fuckin 35 year old beast. i refuse to have sex with someone that's hooking up with dirty ass old women with kids. and a FAT one at that, wtf. he told this guy about it and told the guy not to tell anyone or he'll kick his ass...but that guy told his girlfriend (my friend ha ha), and she told me this morning (because she knows i hook up with him). so no one's supposed to know. i guess his friend that he told now calls him "tit for tat" in a joking manner, so next time his dirty ass calls me i'm going to answer my phone "what's up tit for tat" then proceed to tell him that i wont degrade myself by hookinh up with some white trash whore yadda yadda. i can't wait. i think that's all i have to say for now. please leave me comments and tell me how i deserve better...actually i dont care what u say just leave me comments because i want them! ha ha ok bye.
Bye like
Boys are total assholes! I hate them and they should die!