
today was good. i like my credit card. i bought myself a beautiful halter top style bathingsuit top thingymabob from nordstroms. $90.00! most expensive bathingsuit top i've ever owned. i also got an ezekial purse from zumies. yay me. shopping makes me happy. i'm hot yay! me=good mood. i think i'll go run. good day all. UPDATE: i just spilled banana flavored lubricant on the new carpet in my room. oops. i wasn't doing anything sexual, just wanted to see if it really smelt like bananas and stuff...it did...then i droppped it. the end.
Read 11 comments
is your hair really sexy?
hahah Sami
congrats on the bathingsuit! sounds fabulous! xoxo
I def abuse my debit card. Gotta watch your ass and don't go over, man (but shopping is therapy).

I don't like my cards anymore bills aren't fun. Did the lubricant smell good? ave u used any yet? lol just fuckin wit ya. I know a irl that licked a strawberry condom just to see if it tasted like strawberrys. lol
thats funny banana lube all over your rubf
all over my what? lol
haha. yeah i was just buzzed. i wanna get trashed at school next. haaha
i want to spend $90 on a top.

Wait... no i don't.

I'd rather buy two pairs of jeans and two t-shirts.
that sucks about your carpet..but i bet it smells good. You should cover it with a rug. Just wondering...is it edible? I am hungry for pudding now...mmm banana pudding, or banana bread mmm
Shopping makes any girl happy ^_^

Hmm... Banana? Never smelled a banana before...
credit cards own. i wish i could be in debt and not pay in the future
happy sit anniversaryy