ok so i was reading the bible right now. skimming through scriptures and what not. and i decided to abstain from sex for awhile. probably not until marriage, but no more casual sex. if i end up with a boyfriend then yes i'll have sex with him, but otherwise i plan on abstaining. this was brought on by I corinthians 7...a few of the scriptures got to me. i'm not going to label myself a born again virgin since i always thought that was such a joke. most of the girls that do that end up having sex again anyways, which is even worse. and i know me, there's a good chance i'll get drunk and throw all my morals out the window again. i tend to do that often (discard my morals). i've been with 9 guys, and was only in love with the first one. my views since then have been well i already screwed up the whole wait for marriage thing so who cares. i think i was wrong. anyone who has followed my diary will know this probably won't last, but it would be nice to get a couple "good luck"s anyways. so anyways, i didn't go to the party tonight. stayed home, watched t.v., picked up my bible and changed my way of thinking. who knows how long it will last this time. i never seem to be able to stick to my beliefs. maybe this time will be different? we'll see. i'll keep you all posted.
and yes i shall try out the cherries too!!
So, I guess I'm saying refrain?
^This is why I dont give advice.
Without a Paddle, considering I dont like stupid-comedys, was actually a VERY good movie. Not too stupid, but with loads of comedy.