quiet riot

she came the 3rd of feb. with more of a scream then with a whimper.

she weighed 7 and 4 with 19 1/2 inches to boot.

right now she's resting in our bed. content. safe. loved.

riot. and i dont know how else to feel but in love with her. in love with being able to love her and to actually mean it. how long has it been, since. then. when. i felt some thing more then nothing.

to this drinking or cocaine cannot compare. my love for them has been replaced. with her.

this little person. waiting to become. becoming this awesome little woman.

im worried though. for the rent. and the bills. and wondering when i might actually decide to do something meaningful with myself.

i will trust in God.

i will wait on him.

i will be still and not freak out because i know with God nothing is impossible.

quiet riot is meant for grand things.

i know this already.

and i'll make sure she knows.

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