Fruitloops and Cherrios

"Where were you when the world ended?" So moving on. Slowly. Snail-like. Today is Friday. Tomorrow will be Saturday. Yesterday was Thursday. And so on and so forth. I got lit yesterday. I got impatient and sad about PRD yesterday. I smoked a lot yesterday. I called a child mean yesterday. I drove around yesterday. I spent too much money yesterday. [And that's the re-cap of yesterday] PRD was supposed to call and bring me a book. My book. The one I so stupid-ly let him walk off with. Why? Because PRD is irresistible. So he was. Before he made some jack-ass-y commments. "I'm not like a real drug dealer..." Idiot. Moron. White-boy. So moving on again. Faster this time. Quick. Speedy-like-Gonzales. So I spoke to SEB briefly last night. We chatted about her sadness and her anger at being back home. (RE-cap: she had her own apartment once, but lost it due to financial restraints.) So anyways. We chatted briefly and I was supp-osed to call her back, but I didn't. I will today though, because I can't go and lose the only best friend I've had in awhile. (If I haven't already lost her?) Hope-not. I've decided that my true calling is to write a funny-ass movie about stoners. Maybe? Well a funny movie about anything. "Sting like a butterfly, burn like a bee." I think I may have a good idea. Maybe. Probably. We'll see. So let's see. My "SCREW IT" List. Screw PRD. Screw SEB. Screw Wen. Screw Mr. Wilson. Screw fatty foods. Screw classes. Screw feeling bad. Screw depression. And. Screw yo momma sucka. Yes. I am lame. But oh well. If you don't like it. Than bite me. Yes. Bite it. I think now I'll move onto checking my e mail and then eventually get off the com-PU-ter. "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen..." DFN.
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