Goodbye Employment.

"Goodbye job, hello no income." Yes. It's true. I'm sure. I quit my job. early today. at around 10 or so. Why? Because. if I'm not quitting something than I'm not doing anything at all. Right??? Sure. I say. I didn't much enjoy that place anyway. Today I have a few things to do. Some X Max shopping indeed. I don't know what to get SEB. I'm drawing a blank. An empty mind. Like a keg. at some ritualistic frat party. I'm empty. Minded. And my stomach's growling. GRRRRRR. And so forth. PRD didn't bother to reply. So that's that. and that's that's that. I'm AIGHT dog, chill. So anyways. Wen's been calling me like I'm her mother. And it's beginning to get to me. I don't prefer to have anything to do with her. Wen's usually involved in some sort of troublesome drama, so you see my delimma. dilemma? problem? yeah that's right. So I guess maybe I should call her back and see what the BIG DEAL is now. L&W are probably still in the mix. So my hopes aren't high. I've decided to look into getting serious about my life. Everyone else is headed somewhere to do something of some importance. Not me. It seems. I'm too concerned with LAYING back. and relaxing. Going out and drinking. Momentarily getting high. My priorities are not the best indeed. I admit it. Honestly. I'm trapped though. Between two philosophies. Like a rock. I'll figure it out though, eventually. I'm sure. Right now I think I'll go and play on the net. Do nothing constructive. To pass my time. Until I run to the stores. In search of those perfect objects for everyone on my gift LIST. Man. "It was a wise man who said do not fix what is not broken." DFN.
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