They're Coming.

[the canadians are coming, run and hide] so i was warned yesterday. they'll be comin' by the bus-fuls today. (can you sense my excitement?) i sure hope. so. cause i'm not thrilled. anyways. this entry will be OFF today. my spark isn't in it. and my brain's still mush. MUSH. SMUSH. CRUSH. FLUSH. see i can rime. rhyme. ryhme. o. so much bullshit to deal with. to think about. wasting hours and days. i have a half-HOUR before i must venture to work. i do not like working. it's true. if i wasn't so poor, i'd quit this job yesterday. NO DOUBT. (this is my lifeeee...) good jam. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? what now? i dunno. my words haven't been so elegant these past few days. i haven't had the (Umph?). or the get go. however, i can feel the dreaded CRAMPS sneaking up on me. creeping. slowly making my muscles ache. just because they can. i never envy men. until moments like these. POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT BEING A MAN: 1. can go topless anywhere. 2. can get away with mullets or crew cuts. 3. don't have make-up to worry about. 4. don't have PERIODS or MEN-o-PAUSE. 5. can't get pregnant. 6. have two balls to keep them busy. AND FINALLY: 7. can write their damn names in the snow without is running all down their leg. POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT BEING A WOMAN: 1. we can give life. 2. we have breast-es. 3. we can usually score free drinks. 4. we get doors opened for us. 5. we can fake it. 6. we have better looking clothes. AND FINALLY: 7. WE'RE NOT MEN! (hahahahahahahaha) i have no idea where in the hell i was going with either of those lists. i'm beginning to wonder about my brain. if someone snuck in the middle of the night and gave me a LOM-BOD-AMY. [zombie, anyone?] well i must go now. go forth and try to surive the day without hurting anyone or possibly getting fired. o. damn. my. attitude. maybe. someday. i'll. work. at. some. cool. store. like. Mr. D's Sex Sprees. o. may. dreams. come. true. (only for you) "Does a platapus lay eggs?" DFN.
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