you can try all you like.

but your mind never forgets. not really. all the things you regret and fear and hate and have done. even. if. it. all. means. nothing. it means something to your mind. it all hides. and creeps. and sleeps. there. in your unforgiving mind. i picture staircases leading. up and down. leading deeper into hallways. that lead. deeper into those dark. dark. corners. of my mind. i picture shelves full of nonsense. and books upon books of painful. things. kept there. in my mind. i picture a ghostly librarian keeping track. of every meaninglessful thing that passes through. and making a dusty index card to be kept filed under: HORROR. or sorrow. or pain. and the list goes on. i picture this librarian being very lonely. but happy with her work. because it is all she knows. and all she plans to know. and all she ever really wants to know. i picture her walking around inside of my mind and making sure all of the dusty sketches and poems and stories and memories are kept in almostgood condition. i picture cramped lockers full of forgotten childhood dreams. and dirty filing cabinets crammed full of things yet to be expressed. i picture that deeper. down. inside. there are stacks upon stacks of naughty thoughts. and wasted emotions. i see the librarian doing her daily chore of trying to destroy the things my mind no longer needs. and i see her getting frustrated. because some times it all just keeps reappearing. i also see her day dreaming. and unknowingly adding to my pile of mess. i see in my mind the things that cannot be seen on the outside. i see castles and witches and there is such a thing as the boogieman. except in my mind he's just a shadow creeping about. reading and knowing and learning all he can. because it is all there in plain view. i see the demons of my mind climbing higher and higher into my precious towers. and the angels guarding them. i see the fear in their eyes as the demons get closer. day by dreadful day. but in my mind hours would be years. and seconds would be days. and days would of course be longer. times. so there is some hope for my guarding angels. i see the hounds of my mind waiting impatiently at the gate. ready to die for all. my. prize. in my mind i see all of the things i hide behind my beautiful brown eyes. i see princesses and princes and angels singing silent melodies that only i know what the words truly mean. and in my mind i see every face i have ever passed and every face i have ever seen. in my mind i have built kingdoms and destroyed worlds. in there. anything. is. possible. in there. chaos. rules.
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