
Well diem or dium, either way it doesn't matter. I don't like people who are more interested in spelling then meaning. O well. Tonight has been a pretty boring night. Boring in a good way, if there is such a thing. We watched movies. 2. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and. "Barbershop" I liked both of them equally. I'm not big on movies anymore. The Greek Wedding one was fine. Laughable. Enjoyable comedy about a woman searching for her perfect match. She finds him. He's a white guy. She's Greek. See the problem. Anyways, the family at first rejects him. Than by some miracle he gains their favor and their love. It ends happily when the woman's father buys her and the white guy a house. TEAR. Barbershop was about the general problems of society and the African American culture. Slang words. Some cursing. Stealing. Racism. Martin Luther King Jr. (was a hoe). Rosa Parks. All with Ice Cube losing the family business. Of course it all works out in the end. The bad guys lose. The stolen ATM machine gets found. And all racial boundaries are forgotten. TEAR. Now I remember why I hate movies. No matter how real Hollywood tries to make something seem, it never comes across as real enough. I am bitter tonight. I also threw up, which may be causing me my biggest problem. Damn medication. In between making me ill and have the jitters, these pills are supposed to make me happy. Where the hell is the happiness in a twisted stomach? I wish I knew what I wanted out of life. What exactly am I working so hard for? I don't even know what I'm going to do after graduation. This isn't like high school. After graduating high school you move onto college. Where the hell do you go after college? Graduate school? And after that? Some horribly boring, barely high paying job where I sit and think about killing myself all the time. Shut up in some damned cubicle. Watching the minutes of my life slowly pass by. I envy bank robbers and con artists. They are unattached and free. Not that I would committ crime. But some times my heart beats a little faster whenever I sneak a piece of candy in the market. O so naughty. I am rambling tonight. I don't know why. My tooth is killing me. I may have to pull a "Castaway" and remove this damn thing. Well I am done for now. John: We miss you so much.
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