Taking it Easy

Unfortunately, I am. Taking it too easy. I haven't done anything. I have stuff due I'm sure. Sometime this week and next. I had a first draft due last week and I of course forgot to do it. I didn't forget, I just didn't do it. And that's how it goes. Like a wilting rose. I'm doomed. For now anyways. I'm not exactly pushing myself to succeed. 215 It's sad I think. My ambition is gone. My money is slowly running out. I am becoming a bum. A major, broke bum. I did get a job though so maybe this will end this horrible routine I've started for myself. It's sad. It really, really is. I'm not focused on any of my classes at all. I'm not focused on anything at all. Lawd. I don't feel like seeing PRD today because it's just going to be the same old same old and I'm getting rather tired of it. What to do. Well I can't do anything, except wait for this semester to be over. And I need to start doing something so I know for sure I'll be graduating. I would be sure to fuck up my last two semesters. I'm like that. The end is to near. I like to play my chances. I can't do that this time though. Seriously, I can't. I can't keep fucking it up and hoping it will all fix itself. I don't want to go to my next class. I hate it. Wilson annoys me. Annoys me completely. I'm a little scared of him, I think. Oh well. I have to go. I should've stayed home today. Skipped all these crappy classes. Skipped PRD. Skipped everything. Oh well. I'm here. And to class I go. "Hi ho..." DFN.
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