
It's funny how fast time goes by. It's a little scary when you think about it. One day you're sitting, waiting for something to happen. The next day you're wondering how it all happened so fast. Well it never fails. That time is drawing near. School again. Classes. Term Papers. Quizes. Participation. The Bar. My tuition bill came today. They've raised tuition once more. Like usual. Every year there's always some additional expense. It's all a crock. A sham. An eloborate scheme. Oh well. I actually can't wait to go back to class. I need to find an apartment. I need to see how I can ge to campus and back. By bus I guess. I could always hitch hike. I'm not changing my mind this time. I'm not going to give in and stay here. I'm done with all this. She says it's time for me to grow up, well by hell I think she's right. You can't be fully grown up living under your parents roof. I need to find me a place soon. Well I need a job first and than a place. I can't wait to get my refund back. That'll help out a lot. But I got months to wait before that. Lucky me. I went to see Dani yesterday. We went to see Wen. And to score some dope. It was all right I guess. Wen isn't really fun to be around anymore. She constantly worries about Joe and the baby B. It's a little annoying I think. They keep telling me, 'Wait until you have a baby.' Well I wouldn't hold my breath people. At the rate I'm going I'd be better off joining a convent. Keith has been e mailing SEB lately. Not me, how weird. Well he's a dick anyways, so it doesn't really matter. SEB can keep her hopes attached to him. I've decided I don't need anyone in my life. Male or female. Friend or relative. Whatever. Screw people. I'm done worrying about everything and anything. One more year and I am out of this fucking town. I am gone like the wind. I can't wait. Nothing, and I mean nothing is going to stop me. I'm sick of being scared. I'm sick of being a coward. I'm sick of being weak. I'm not fucking around anymore. I want out and I shall get out. For real. Done for now.
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