~One Week~

One week ago I was in a hospital room watching John die. Today, on a Monday. He died early in the afternoon. It's already been a week. I took an exam today. An exam I surely failed. I actually took it twice, Professors are no more organized than 3rd grade teachers. Anyways, I talked to Pat today. I am giving up on my crush. I'm not his type. I haven't asked, but I am sure. He is the type who likes pretty, uninteresting girls with blonde hair and blue eyes who constantly remind him of how great he is. That's just my guess. I need to give it up though. No need dreaming about something that won't happen. I also seen Keith today, briefly. He's still weird. And I think my liking him is merely just me liking him as a friend. He's not my type either. Mainly because I hardly know him and he has a girlfriend. I'm sure I'm not his type either. Enough of all that. Moving on, tonight I plan on relaxing and kicking back. Maybe think about my life a little. Maybe not think at all. Dani stopped by last night. She wanted me to go half on a sack. No, I said. Why? Because I got that gut feeling that told me to chill last night. No messing up. My mother is becoming horribly dependent on me. It's beginning to get on my nerves. I am not John. John is dead. Plus, he was male so. Seriously. She needs to lay off. She needs to move on. She won't though. She'll stay like this for months. I know her. She doesn't know me half as well. I am done for now.
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