Why Not Another?

"So we sit and sit and sit and than our asses go numb." [Good deal] O. I'm sitting now on the computer. thinking about shit that isn't even really important. Trying to train my mind to let things go. I picture my brain as some large, jam-packed full warehouse. Where I hide the tons and tons of information I collect throughout the years. I imagine that deep, inside somewhere I have a secret room. No. A secret floor. This is where I keep all the dreamy shit. All the philosophy I've built up. This is where I hide most of my ANGER. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. And this is how it all goes. I imagine electricity and sparks. Flying objects and the dark. I imagine sky-scrapers and castles. The picture of a perfect society is hidden inside of [Fight Club] the book. I must say, stuff like that gets me ON. So moving right along like a good little punk. I'm broke. Broke as can be. I'm quitting my drinking and such. My 'love-hate- addictions. For now. I'm casting in. Running out. Everyone needs a fucking break, I imagine. Even me. My mind mostly. It's not functioning so well anymore. A little slower. Creeper. *Sneak-ier* Whichever my dear friend. So the new FUCK IT list: 1. fuck money. 2. fuck reading. 3. fuck the o-so-important intellectuals of this world. 4. fuck remakes. 5. fuck barbies. 6. fuck you. And than I'm done. AHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I'm corny, I'm sure. Well time to go. We need chicken. Chicken is good. "Beware of the green onions." DFN.
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Wise words young brother, thanks for your support, stay a poet and be a warrior. Live strong live long. Peace