This is My Name.

and the only family. name. like this. in my large family. i am the only one. now. i have come from a line of. wrong doers. creeps. hoolagins. molesters. drug addicts. alcoholics. menaces. liars. cheaters. hurters. predators. prey. victims. dead. coma tose. biggots. i have come. from a long line. of things. bad things. useless things. i'd like the line to end. i'd like to make mine. come from. greatness. an unmovable force of life. just like the greats. i'd like mine. to know the difference between wrong and right. and love the wrong. but do the right. to know that i am love and life. and they are too. but not too soon. to know that some times it gets hard. and troublesome. but it does get better with time. to know that what looks like a duck. and talks like a duck. is usually a duck. to know that nothing is what it seems. and feels like. but some times it is. to know that that all the problems they face. and get into. won't change a damned thing about my love. as long as they know that i know that they should know better. i'd like mine to know love. unconditional. and go no where craving it. like lust. and pain. and a drug with no end supply. i'd like mine to know grand things. unlimited. and to not stop before. they. get there. education is the information needed to avoid mutation. this night started with. no plans. no money. no smoke. no drink. and ended with a nose full of hydros. and a head full of regret. and a soul full of loneliness. but good things. for which it seems. it is better then nothings. after all.
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