New Days

Time will always pass into something new. I'm not concerned about certain people anymore. I am convinced that they will do fine in life with or without my assistance or care. I am fine with this. I seen P today like usual. I like him still even though my heart knows by now that it's useless. I seen K briefly, but he didn't wait to speak to me after my class let out. I am fine with this also. All good things in time must end. It can't all last forever. I knew deep down inside that I couldn't enjoy the simple pleasure of speaking to K or P forever. Unfortunately. But this is how things happen and how life goes on. SEB will be fine once K is gone and she can let go of the hope for something more. I don't want to tell her it's useless because she's different than I am. Her heart isn't used to being alone and sad. I on the other hand have adapted to the situations in my life. We cannot all be winners. Part of me will yearn for these people and I know this. I accept it as part of being alive. You cannot always live for something, especially when time and time again that something usually goes away. Only weak people submit to such failure. I don't consider myself weak. Not really. Part of me is somewhat desperate for love or acceptance, but even with this I know it will end. All things eventually go away. This is life. Unlike the movies or books we are exposed to, life is extremely more difficult. I'll be fine. As will everyone else. It's all a matter of letting go and accepting whatever else may come along. The heart knows nothing more than what it feels. So with this I let go of everything that has occured this semester and smile because it was lovely while it lasted. Not all things can stay. Not all things will leave. I am done for now.
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