
this is rid.ic.u.lous. where the fuck.is. my paycheck. where the fuck.is. my money. it should be there by now. glowing in my bank account. waiting to be spent on bills and personal loans. waiting to be wasted away. things can never go.right. for me. they always have to fuck up just a bit. just enough to get under my already bothered skin. i.am.pissed.indeed. i worked hard for that little piece of change. and now. its not there waiting for me. now im having complications. every other fucking time its been there. waiting. and. of course drew says ive never had a problem with my paycheck here.ever.never.ever. and now. i am. because i was jinxed. and am cursed. if its said. it happens to me. again.and.again. it better be there in a few hours. a few minutes. a few fucking something. or i may just burn something down. i dont like worrying. because worrying was part of the old me. i like things to move along easily. where the fuck is my money. bitches.
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