(Accident Prone)

"If I didn't have bad luck...I'd have no luck at all." How true. The stars are no longer protecting me. I have become completely accident prone. *Suffering in great pain* Well not even a week after falling and nearly breaking my ass, I just had the pleasure of dropping a good-sized fan on my foot. Given it's 4:something in the a.m. And now I have a nice sized hole in my foot. "Oh the fucking pain!" I think this is only a by-product of the real issue at hand. I dreamt of Pat almost all last night. Although I only had about 2.5 hours of sleep, he was primarily on my mind. The nightmare involved him getting chummy with some punky chick and than informing me that he dropped one of our classes together. I don't know why this bothered me so much, but it did. It bothered me a lot. More than a lot. And BANG. The alarm went off and I almost jumped out of my skin. And BANG again. And the fan landed on the top part of my foot instantly injuring me. "If I was a horse, I'd be glue by now." So now here I sit not even writing the paper I was supposed to write last night, but figured I could write this morning since I was too burnt last night to think at all. If that makes any sense. I have 1.5 hours to sit and write this paper. I don't think it will work this time. My Muse for bullshit has abandoned me somehow. Well maybe. I better get started though. Please...pray for my foot. "I'm off to see the wizard..." DFN.
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