
"Possession of anything begins in the mind" ~~~Bruce Lee~~~ I am rather ill today. Hungover. If that's possible. My stomach is twisted in knots today. Nerves. Dani is calling already. It's not even noon. It's not even close to noon. I will ignore her call for now. I am too tired and nervous to deal with anyone right now. I have to clean the house today. I have laundry to do. I have people to not think about today. I am at odds with myself. Over a million things. A million and one. I can't seem to change. I can't seem to gain control. I am a constant tornado of negative emotions. It gets tiring. Old. Boring. Mister P. Master K. I am pathetic. More now than ever before. Today is the beginning of my life. Yesterday is the past. Tomorrow is today's future. Tomorrow will be Sunday's yesterday. Time passes anyways. I wish I had a love. I am done for now.
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