
[excuse me while i die] o. my poor achin toes. (puppies?) whatever. them things attached to my fucking legs, hurt. indeed. 8 hours today. 8 hours of love. of fun. and well, no it's all a lie. i seriously wish i had gotten a real job a long time ago. it would be this seasonal shit. and this aching shit right now. indeed. so anyways. here's a little story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once there was this girl named W. W had a baby with a boy named B. Well W and B couldn't get along so...W sent B to jail. After B went to jail, W sat around and couldn't decide what to do. So finally, W decided that she'd hook up with this kid named J and they'd have a gay ol' time. So hooking up with J had some complications, one being W's $14.00 an hour job. So because W just couldn't bare being without J, she quickly quit her damn good job. So now W is broke and desperate. W decides to get on Welfare and eventually she moves in with L and L's husband. Such a nice, fine living arrangement W decided. More weed and liquor than a simple girl with a baby could image. So all was going well. UNTIL! L decided that W sucked. And wanted W's washer and dryer. So L and (W's little sister) A, decided to jump W and beat the living shit out of her. AND THIS IS WHAT THEY DID! L punched W, while A strangled W with her knees. They jumped on W and beat her senseless. Until, unfortunately, W had a miscarriage. So with all this trouble W ran away and stayed with her older sister S. So S decided it was best to get revenge and made a few quick calls to the Social Security office to snitch out L and A. W's whereabouts are now unknown. And the story has yet to finish. TO BE CONTINUED! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [do not ask] so moving on. my life sucks right now. i can't get my mind off of prd. and i can't seem to chill out mentally. (relax my thoughts) so i'm sitting here now just BLAH! not happy. not sad. not in between. just NUMB. a very bad feeling. because there's no real feeling at all. i think i'll end this here because i'm tired. and worn. and rambling. "Smile...for there are angels watching." DFN.
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