38 (209)

Feeling: patient
Thursday, 4:52 p.m.   Big Rocks Make a Girl Feel Small I went to Greymouth, the biggest city on the West Coast of the South Island of NZ. Our hotel was nice, on the beach. There was a playground type thing with a flying fox on it, big enough for people like me. It was so awesome. But the first time I went on the flying fox, I didn't know how, and I scraped my leg pretty bad on the slide. And then I couldn't stop. And I hurt. I felt like a little kid again, running to Daddy, wiping the tears from my eyes with my fist. Yesterday we went on two hikes to glaciers. They were awe-inspiring. Plus the temperate rainforests everywhere. It was so beautiful. It was like, I wished I could tell someone, Point it out, like "Oh my Gawd! Have you ever seen something so beautiful?!" but at the same time keep it all to myself. Besides, if I had pointed out I might have annoyed someone, like my mum was annoying me. My mum annoys me more and more with every day. I can stand my dad most days, but my mum. I don't know. It's sad, I wish I could have a good relationship with my mum like my kirribean and her mum or something. I donno. I was just taking in the beauty of the glacier, the waterfalls, the rainforest...it was all so breathtakingly beautiful. I didn't even know such places were real to the general public. I thought only photographers for National Geographic and special people like that could access such beauty. Today we went on a tour of a brewery. The room where all the barley was stored made me homesick for the seed lab, because of the smell of the grain. That's okay, we went into the fermenting room and all that was lost. Eeew, beer. Yucky. We also went wandering around some giant rocks. They were truly humbling. You think you're so big, you human, you have no natural predators, Nothing can beat you. And then you're surrounded by these giant rocks. Wow. It's impossible to explain, so I'll just leave it at that. Now we're home, reverted back to every day life. Chelsea's zoned out by the tv, waiting the fifteen minutes left until it's her turn on the computer. She'll look at me pointedly and I'll wave at her and sign off. I was looking at random diaries and i found my sister's friend's diary. Looked through some of the entries and I tell you. It's weird to find yourself mentioned in a diary you didn't know existed. It's alright, You dealed okay before you met me. Later, I'll leave you and you'll go back to the same life you had before I came along. You'll miss me for a week or two and then remember that life was still really good without me, and the girl in physics is smarter, more talented, and more attractive than me, and she won't leave you the way I did. I pull my hand through my hair and smile casually, I'd never want anyone to know how much that hurts me. Oh man I'm so cool. I have avoided getting sick so far! Rah! ...Watch, next week I fall down with the flu and I turn into some sickly mess. Please no. Please please no.
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I always turn into a sicky mess at least three times a year. Ewness.

It sounds like you've been having some good experiences, I'm very very jealous.
For me, it's my dad that drives me insane. I kind of feel bad... and yet not, because he drives me insane.