Listening to: Modest Mouse(Blame it on the Tetons)
Feeling: whimsical
9:31 Monday Night
Partying on a Weeknight
I'm so cool and popular that I go to pool parties on monday nights.
:) i got my e-mail.
it was long, and it was sweet.
He got online at the same time as me. I got an instant message from him that said "TERESA," and it seems like just some unnoticeable thing, but I love it when he acknowledges me with my name. Because it's the way best friends greet each other when they've been away for so long.
Um. big news for today: Aaron and I have Physics together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!!11!!1!!1!11!!1oneone!1!!1!!!!11!
AAAHHH physics!!
i can never do that stuff!! :p