Listening to: Splashes of water
Feeling: content
11:11 Late Wednesday Morning   Back to Work It would be really great if New Zealand would let me get a job here. That would be fantastic. Alas, NZ is really terribly picky and doesn't really care for immigrants. Poo on you, NZ. On the bright side, I was poking around on their immigrations website and found their list of long-term skill shortages. And there, in front of my eyes : Environmental Science My degree basically is exactly that, only focusing on environmental soil science. but with my minor in public health, I reckon they should let me in. Also: I miss my job. :( Did I mention yet how my dad was talking to Dr. B, the chemistry prof with whom Caleb met with while he was in the States? Apparently she seems quite keen to have him as a student, hooray! Also: Spring '09 applications have opened and Caleb can now scurry off to uni to hunt down professors to write nice letters of recommendation for him. Also I think he's going to apply for UofU still, so that's good. Lalala. as for what i've been up to, yesterday i went on a bird hunting adventure! i was searching for birds on telephone wires to take photos of, but I think i'm going to have to be less wandering-around-y and more snipe-y, like staying in one place near telephone wires and waiting for them to land rather than going from telephone wire to telephone wire in search of them. So my adventure wasn't exactly the most successful, but it was still fun. oh, and it hailed REALLY hard for like 15-20 minutes yesterday morning. I thought the hail was going to break the roof in! it was awesomely fantastic. now...lunchtime.
Read 2 comments
i want to be in new zealand, it must be great... care to trade spaces i'm in scummy chicago. the fireflies are quite neat here... haha
i misworded what i meant. i was high. sorry. i meant other peoples problems. i fixed it.