Feeling: nothing
3:57 Saturday Afternoon   Countdowns 69 days until I see him again. He promised that he'd kiss me in the airport. 20 days until I see Mandy. I fell in love with Portland 2 years ago, and now i get to see both of them. It's so close I can taste it.
Read 6 comments
youve seen corpse bride. damn you. (so here's something to hate 'bout nz. movies are so slow to get)

so i guess id piss you off with my comment that says "nice diary" ;P
Aww, I've always wanted to be kissed in an airport. It seems so romantic. Like in Garden State.
Portland! Woohoo! Is Mandy going to school there? If so, what college? Or are you guys just meeting there for the heck of it?

Yay! That sounds close when you count it in days. I'm excited for you. =)

I don't think I'd like to be a hermit. I think I'd get bored and lonely very very quickly.
aww yayyy
Garden State is the absolute cutest love story ever. Like, oh man you don't even know. You would SERIOUSLY love that movie. You're the type of person who would appreciate it.