9:59 Monday Night   The Weight of my Stress It's all gone. We finally hashed everything out yesterday. we finally talked about it. He said he was proud of us for our communication. it's funny because we had to communicate about our previous lack of communication. I had no idea how much it had been weighing on my chest and shoulders until after we figured everything out. And suddenly I feel as if the whole world couldn't bring me down... I did pretty good in Belly Dancing lessons today. I felt more confident than I did last week.
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Talking about things always makes you feel better - unless talking about it makes it worse and then you get unhappy. =(

- justletmefall
Belly dancing lessons sound like they kick arse.

I'm so glad you and Caleb sorted things out. Your communication skills can inspire me.

I feel like God is calling me to evangelise, so I'm not sure about the mission thing. I feel like I should be telling my friends at the current time, maybe I will feel called as a missionary later in my life.
to tell the truth, I lied about my name, age, and sex.

my name is really alex, I'm 14, and a girl. The entries are real, but I lied about my n/a/s because I didn't want anyone who knew me to find my sitdiary, because it makes it harder to write what I really feel when I know someone who actually knows me is reading everything.

[i.m sorry]
We were talking about this at cell group last night. Each of God's children has to be different, unique, or the church wouldn't work as a whole. So maybe I am called to evangelise and you are called to help people.

I love you and Caleb. I love it when things work out.
yeah i 4 got my password so i cant login in my name right now im radiersoccergl but yeah i am really 13 y ???
today kicked at-double-dollar.


Yeah...that's how it goes.

There's glass in my taco!

BUBBLES! And pictionary. We kick butt at Bible Pictionary. I love Inside Out.

Our first lesbian moment! And hopefully our last. Hehehe. I love you!

Saturday will kick at-double-dollar.
