Listening to: The Mars Volta
Feeling: satisfied
11:50 Late Thursday Afternoon   Delivery of Financial Success These finance things...are starting to bother me. I was reading through the first chapter because I had a quiz based on it due on Friday. There was a lot of common sense stuff, but i guess i learned something? like how it's not good to have to pay taxes on your income. ...what? "the best income earned is tax free. the second best is tax-deferred." I'm sorry, I know I'm a hippie communist liberal (ew!), but I like to think that when i pay taxes I'm helping out my fellow man, and paying taxes means we are all united and wish to contribute to the greater good...like funding roads and schools and hospitals, etc? But maybe...we don't need roads if all we're doing is sitting around waiting for our money to compound in high-interest accounts (does anyone know where I can get a 9% interest savings account in the US, by the way?). Anyway Hung out with the Hel-half-of-Helro and Ang and Ang's friend Jeff. We sat in a booth by the windows of the student centre and watched students go by, guessing their major based on their choice of clothing. It is fun, you should try it.
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I don't mind helping my fellow man and taxes and all, but not when I'm paying something as ridiculous as whatever I paid...even if it was just a one month job! Ridiculous. I reckon you should be only charged taxes when you're working over a certain amount of hours a week or something. Blah money!