Listening to: Silverchair(Anna\'s Song)
Feeling: contemplative
4:56 Thursday Late Afternoon
 Frightened and Sick
I feel really sick after I eat food.
and then I feel really sick if I don't eat food.
i hate food.
I'm mostly happy though I'm a little sad that i now have no one to go to homecoming with. It wouldn't be that big of a deal because dances suck, but i bought a dress and I was really excited to wear it. i love dressing up. it's just the way I am.
I'd ask a boy but I'm really tired of not being beautiful enough to be asked.
So i guess I will just have to deal with it and get over it. I have a pretty dress though. what am I supposed to do with it?
maybe i should just give it to some girl who is the same size as me and be done with it.
i spent a decent amount of money on it though.
yeah the relief teacher in small engines was a butt from planet bad-teacher. She was horrible. To the extent that i raised my hand in class and asked her if our teacher would be back tomorrow.
When she said yes, i told her, "good."
because i'm rude like that. she treated us like we were 5. which only made us want to act like we were 5.
i didn't like her. I guess it's just something about me? That i don't like incompetent teachers? maybe.
...pardon the pun.
and so i can buy one.
i don't even know if our admin. will let us go together. a lesbian couple got in once, but one of them dressed as a guy.
i hate the admin.
i haven't talked to you since thursday! *sad*
but, I love you!
Saturday will be a ton of fun. I'm excited.
Behave yourself.
I will maybe see you tomorrow, or maybe today if I get lucky. I dunno.
If that doesn't work out, wear the dress anyway. Haha.
I hate incompetent teachers too. Bah humbug.♥
and then I feel really sick if I don't eat food.
that happens to me too. =[ i hate it. but yet, at times...i LOVE food. i just cna't get over it. hahah
what a bunch of bastards.
she did end up getting a date though.