8:05 Thursday Evening   How Lovely I do think that it would be marvelous. He could sleep using my lap as a pillow, and I would gaze happily out the window, softly stroking his hair. I'd gently nudge him awake when we got home and help him bring his luggage downstairs. and maybe sleep in bed with him. Then quietly slip off to school the next morning. I will wear a brilliant hoopskirted dress with a corset and fancy hair and lots of make up and a drawn on beauty spot. and you will wear a black tuxedo and shoes so shiny that, if I bent down, I would be able to see my reflection in them. It would be just you and me, and a big orchestra playing waltzes and foxtrots. We would be the happiest two people + orchestra in the history of time.
Read 3 comments
That sounds particularly like a fairy tale. A very pretty, marvelous thing to do.


I wanna be a fan club member!! I luff j00! I luff j00 like a sister! Did j00 hear that? J00r like a sister to me. I'm your biggest, #1, sister of a fan.


Night. <3 you.
I ♥ Clockwork Orange.

Its such a neat movie. Like I said, the first half is kind of boring but it gets pretty interesting in the second half.

♥ Justine