Listening to: wet, squeaky shoes
Feeling: demented
11:14 late Monday Morning   The Warmth Before The Snow Comes Down it's not the January Thaw; it's just the weather being normal. tomorrow is caleb's birthday. do i have a present for him? no. do I know what to get him? not really. ----------------- 5:28 p.m. I did it. I bought a $2 bottle of "ick away" to treat the ichthyophthirius (what a mouthful) infection that my 12 c fish contracted. probably from the tank from whence it came. Poor Massimo. At least I know why he's dying this time so hopefully I can save him. I didn't find out until yesterday why my other three fish died. It wasn't lack of oxygen (though that was surely a huge part of it), it was the insane build up of ammonium, ammonia, and nitrite levels. I probably should have done my research before I killed them. So now I do about a 25% water change every other day (someday I'll figure out the 10% mark and just do that), i have a plant and an aerator. and i really, REALLY want my fish to survive. In a few weeks I'll move him to a 10 gallon aquarium and maybe get some more fish. I quite like fish. I ended up having a long conversation with the guy who works in the fish department last Saturday. I told him about Yossarian's big fat blister on his nose. If he'd had spots all over him I'd have thought Ich for sure, but just one gigantic one on his nose. it was bizarre. fish department man didn't know what was wrong either. but...i guess i'll never know because Yossarian is dead (ironically, given his name). enough about my cheap pet store gold fish. i apparently have a physics exam on Wednesday that I had no idea about. oh joy. And I just realised today how very very little I know about Physics. I like how I've never got anything useful to say. You know what I really dislike? When Caleb is mad at me, or when he's really quiet and I dont' know what he's thinking. Though he usually only gets mad at me because I am a brat and get snappy...sigh. I wish I was different.
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hmm, when i wrote that i was concerned with boy issues, disguised by the fact that i'm doing a study abroad thingy from april-july. the dread of long distance...i'm sure you're familiar. this is big for me, i haven't ever left home for longer than two weeks.

i hope your fish gets better. poor yosarrian, fighting the war of ick this time.