5:39 Early Sunday Evening   This is Halloween, La la la This is what I wore to the howl. It is not a fantastic photo, nor is it an amazing costume. but i really did have fun with it, and i thought i'd share. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting i don't know why it is at such a crazy angle. this is perhaps because my photographer wasn't sure how to hold the camera... annnd my parents are gone for 2 weeks. annnd it kind of sucks because i don't even have friends to have over for tea or anything. it's gonna be a lonely couple of weeks.
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yes i am for real but i still havent gotten an answer from my stepdad yet and my house isnt even finished yet from getting basically rebuilt
nifty costume! mmm...aww...you could have virtual parties with us, so we could virtually mess up your house. rar! -genie